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Minerva Open Text API

API Integration

Version 2.3

Last update: 6/06/2023

Getting Started

Minerva Open Text accepts input text in any language (alphanumeric characters excluding punctuation marks and symbols), either natively or through translation, and does not require any pre-processing.


How we handle punctuation marks, symbols, special characters and emojis:

  • If sent mixed with alphanumeric text: they will be stripped from the string and remaining text will be processed normally
  • If sent in isolation (with no other alphanumeric characters mixed in): the API will not process the string and simply return an error

Your Technical Integration contact will provide you with the access details needed to contact the Minerva Open API. These consist of a custom UUID token sent as a header with each API request (see below).

Blacklisted terms detection feature

If you have a specific list of blacklisted terms that you would like to be detected and reported explicitly, you can provide them to us, and we will set it up for you. The list should be a file with blacklisted words or/and sentences separated by a new line. After all set, the blacklist_enabled parameter in the text settings can be set to true and the API will return the list of found blacklisted terms in the blacklisted_terms strings array field.

Keep in mind that setting blacklist_enabled to true can not be done without a terms list uploaded.

Open Text Settings Configuration API

The Text Settings Configuration endpoints allow you to read and customise a group of parameters for the Minerva Open Text API. These parameters will act as constants and do not need to be sent at each API call.

Get Text Settings Configuration Request


Example request cURL:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'faceit-gametoken: ${token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


faceit-gametokenstringA unique UUID token issued by FACEIT used to authenticate requests to the API.

Get Text Settings Configuration Response

Example success response

"logging_enabled": true,
"translation_enabled": true,
"blacklist_enabled": false,
"threshold": 0.5

Patch Text Settings Configuration Request


Example request cURL:

curl --location --request PATCH '' \
--header 'faceit-gametoken: ${token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"translation_enabled": true,
"logging_enabled": true,
"threshold": "0.5",
"blacklist_enabled": false


faceit-gametokenstringA unique UUID token issued by FACEIT used to authenticate requests to the API.

Payload parameters

All parameters are optional, you may patch just one or any number of them at your convenience.

translation_enabledbooleanWhether you would like to use translation whenever a language is not natively supported.
logging_enabledbooleanWhether you would like us to retain the data for additional training for our models.
thresholddoubleThe value you can make automated actions in your game, e.g. muting players, banning, etc.
blacklist_enabledbooleanWhether you would like to use the blacklisted terms detection feature.

Patch Text Settings Configuration Response

A successuful PATCH request will simply return a 200 OK and an empty object in the response body.

Open Text Analyze API

The Analyze Text API allows you to send us text communications from your game to be analyzed by our internal minerva models, based on your game's settings configuration.

Post Analyze Text Request


Example request cURL:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'faceit-gametoken: ${token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"text": "Hello world, how are things today?",
"text_id": "47da7fc1-67af-4c30-a3f4-60863b515d19",
"game_player_id": "b0c2d6dc-de78-487e-ab3f-b319bc0d85c0",
"language": "en"


faceit-gametokenstringA unique UUID token issued by FACEIT used to authenticate requests to the API.

Payload parameters

textstringThe chat message or comment the player has sent. This field has a max length of 30,000 characters.
game_player_idstringThe account_id of the player in the game.
text_idstring, optionalThe id of the text message. This is an optional field, generally useful for cross-referencing with the system where text messages reside.
languagestring, optionalThe language of the text message, in ISO codes 2 letters. This is an optional field, it can be filled if the game developer is aware of the language.

Post Analyze Text Response

Each response will score one request, and will be linked to that request via the text_id.

Response parameters

toxicity_scoredoubleThe summary toxicity score attribute, which is compared with the threshold value.
toxicity_subscoresobjectThe toxicity feature scores and names.
is_toxicbooleantrue if toxicity_score is greater than threshold value.
detected_languagestringThe language that has been detected when scoring the toxicity. This is sent as ISO code 2 letters.
translated_textstringThe translated chat message the player has sent, if translation is enabled for the game.
text_idstringThe text id of the text message (as it was received in the request).
contains_blacklisted_termbooleanDEPRECATED.true if the text contains a blacklisted term.
blacklisted_terms[]stringThe list of found blacklisted terms.

Example success response

"toxicity_score": 0.0892567,
"toxicity_subscores": {
"IDENTITY_ATTACK": 0.02153178,
"INSULT": 0.01347425,
"PROFANITY": 0.024675326,
"SEVERE_TOXICITY": 0.015071031,
"THREAT": 0.065432265,
"TOXICITY": 0.03639824
"is_toxic": false,
"detected_language": "en",
"text_id": "47da7fc1-67af-4c30-a3f4-60863b515d19",
"blacklisted_terms": ["bad", "words"]

API Errors

The API may return any of the following errors. Each response body will include a snake case error code and a message field with a description of the error.

Generic errors (all routes)

403 ForbiddenMissing or invalid API token. Error codes: invalid_token, missing_token.
500 Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on FACEIT's side. Error code: internal.

GET /config/text-settings

404 Not FoundText settings missing for this game's config. Error code: text_settings_not_found.

PATCH /config/text-settings

400 Bad RequestThe API request is malformed; usually due to an incorrect threshold value (should be a float value between 0 and 1). Error code: wrong_threshold.

POST /analyze-text

400 Bad RequestThe API request is malformed; examples include text field empty, malformed language fields and text sent containing only emojis or special characters. Error codes: empty_text, malformed_language, unprocessable_text, text_too_long.
412 Precondition FailedMissing configuration for the provided API token; examples include translation disabled in config but required for a request or text settings missing. Error codes: translation_disabled, no_text_settings, blacklist_not_found.

Other errors

If you get any other error that hinders your integration with the Minerva API, please reach out to your technical integration contact.